Curriculum and Courses
The BSBA in Accounting Flight Path Program requires 120 total credits to graduate. Keep in mind that you’re required to transfer in with at least 24 credit hours. Any additional, applicable transfer credits you have can significantly reduce your required hours and time to graduate.
Below are the full degree requirements:
General Education Requirements (44 Hours)
See Course List
The following major courses may also count toward General Education requirements:
- RC 1000 - Expository Writing (3) and RC 2001 - Introduction to Writing Across the Curriculum (3) count toward the Writing Across the Curriculum requirement.
- MAT 1035 - Business Mathematics With Calculus (3) plus 1 hour of ECO 2100 - Business and Economic Statistics fulfill the Quantitative Literacy requirement.
- ECO 2030 - Principles of Microeconomics (3) and ECO 2040 - Principles of Macroeconomics (3) count toward the Liberal Studies Experience requirement.
Major Requirements (76 Hours)
ACC 2110 - Principles of Accounting II (3)*
ACC 3000 - Accounting Major and Career Readiness (1)
ACC 3100 - Intermediate Accounting I (3)
ACC 3110 - Intermediate Accounting II (3)
ACC 3200 - Cost Accounting (3)
ACC 3555 - Accounting Analytics (3)
ACC 3570 - Accounting Systems and Internal Control (3)
ACC 3580 - Individual Income Taxation (3)
ACC 4560 - Introduction to Auditing (3)
BUS 2001 - Business Career Development (1)*
CIS 1060 - Business Analytics Using Spreadsheet Technology (3)*
CTE 3340 - Business Communications (3)
ENG 3100 - Business Writing (3)
ECO 2030 - Principles of Microeconomics (3)*
ECO 2040 - Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ECO 2100 - Business and Economic Statistics I (3)
ECO 2200 - Business and Economic Statistics II (3)
FIN 3680 - Introduction to Finance (3)
LAW 2150 - Legal Environment of Business (3)
MAT 1035 - Business Mathematics With Calculus (3)*
MGT 3630 - Introduction to Organizational Behavior (3)
MGT 4750 - Strategic Management (3)
MKT 3050 - Principles of Marketing (3)
RC 1000 - Expository Writing (3)*
RC 2001 - Introduction to Writing Across the Curriculum (3)**
SCM 3650 - Production and Operations Management (3)
BUS 4000 - Business Capstone Experience (1)
*This course must be completed before enrolling in core courses.
**Credit hours for RC 2001 included in General Education requirements.
Elective Hours
Students must complete 17 hours of electives, including the following:
- Six hours of accounting electives at the 3000/4000 level (can’t use ACC 3900 or ACC 3520)
- Three hours of College of Business electives at the 3000/4000 level (can’t use FIN 3010 or MGT 3010
- Eight hours of free electives at any level, inside or outside of the College of Business (can’t use ACC 1050, FIN 3010 or MGT 3010)
Global Issues Requirement
This requirement can be met by satisfying one of the following:
- One international business course
(See Course List)
- Business faculty-led study abroad (minimum three hours)
- Semester-long study abroad for credit
- Full-time 400-hour minimum international internship for credit
- Foreign language courses at or above the 3000 level