Curriculum and Courses
The BS in Criminal Justice Flight Path Program requires 120 total credits to graduate. Keep in mind that you’re required to transfer in with at least 24 credit hours. Any additional, applicable transfer credits you have can significantly reduce your required hours, and time, to graduate.
Below are the full degree requirements:
General Education Requirements (44 Hours)
See Course List
Some general education requirements may be double-counted in the major with departmental approval. Please see your advisor for information.
Major Requirements (64-65 Hours)
CJ 1100 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (3)
CJ 2120 - Intro to Policing (3)
CJ 2150 - The Court System (3)
CJ 2430 - Corrections (3)
CJ 3001 - Writing in Criminal Justice (3)
CJ 3115 - Research Methods (4)
PS 3115 - Research Methods (4)
CJ 3400 - Theories of Crime and Justice (3)
CJ 3551 - Criminal Law (3)
PS 1100 - American National Government and Politics (3)
PSY 1200 - Psychological Foundations (3)
PSY 2212 - Abnormal Psychology (3)
SOC 1000 - The Sociological Perspective (3)
SOC 1100 - Social Problems in American Society (3)
One of the following Statistics courses (3 or 4 Hours):
ECO 2100 - Business and Economic Statistics I (3)
STT 1810 - Basic Statistics (3)
STT 2810 - Introduction to Statistics (3)
STT 2820 - Reasoning with Statistics (4)
One or more of the following Diversity courses (3 Hours)
ANT 2420 - Gender, Race and Class (3)
CJ 3110 - Crime and Culture (3)
CJ 3450 - Injustice in America (3)
CJ 3530-3549 - Approved Selected Topics (1-4)
CJ 3665 - Innocence in the Criminal Justice System (3)
CJ 3888 - Diversity in Justice and Public Affairs (3)
PS 3888 - Diversity in Justice and Public Affairs (3)
CJ 4450 - The Death Penalty (3)
CJ 4530-4549 - Approved Selected Topics in Criminal Justice (1-4)
PS 3330 - Urban Politics (3)
PS 3530-3549 - Approved Selected Topics (1-4)
PS 4530-4549 - Approved Selected Topics in Political Science (1-4)
SOC 4560 - Race and Ethnicity (3)
SOC 4650 - Women, Crime, and the Justice System (3)
SOC 4750 - Wealth, Power, and Privilege (3)
Elective Hours (9 hours)*
Note: Special topics courses can be substituted on an individual basis with advisor approval.
ANT 2420 - Gender, Race and Class (3)
CJ 3050 - American Legal Systems (3)
CJ 3110 - Crime and Culture (3)
CJ 3121 - International Terrorism (3)
PS 3121 - International Terrorism (3)
CJ 3250 - Juvenile Justice (3)
CJ 3340 - Problem-Solving Courts (3)
CJ 3405 - Forensic Investigation (3)
CJ 3450 - Injustice in America (3)
CJ 3530-3549 - Selected Topics (1-4)
CJ 3552 - Criminal Procedure (3)
CJ 3560 - Probation and Parole (3)
CJ 3561 - Homicide (3)
CJ 3665 - Innocence in the Criminal Justice System (3)
CJ 3888 - Diversity in Justice and Public Affairs (3)
PS 3888 - Diversity in Justice and Public Affairs (3)
CJ 4300 - Sentencing and Punishment (3)
CJ 4450 - The Death Penalty (3)
CJ 4530-4549 - Selected Topics in Criminal Justice (1-4)
CJ 4550 - Civil Rights and Liberties (3)
PS 4550 - Civil Rights and Liberties (3)
CJ 4620 - Critical Issues in Policing (3)
CJ 4661 - Court Administration (3)
CJ 4680 - Organized Crime (3)
HPE 4650 - Drug Education and Prevention (3)
PS 2130 - State and Local Government (3)
PS 2160 - Introduction to Public Administration (3)
PS 3150 - Constitutional Law (3)
PS 3330 - Urban Politics (3)
PS 3660 - Administrative Law (3)
PS 4661 - Court Administration (3)
PS 4680 - Organized Crime (3)
PSY 2211 - Psychology of Personality (3)
PSY 2213 - Survey of Social Psychology (3)
SOC 2020 - Social Deviance (3)
SOC 3320 - Conflict Resolution, Reconciliation, and Peace (3)
SOC 3360 - Juvenile Delinquency (3)
SOC 3370 - Sexual Violence (3)
SOC 4340 - Punishment and Social Control (3)
SOC 4560 - Race and Ethnicity (3)
SOC 4650 - Women, Crime, and the Justice System (3)
SOC 4750 - Wealth, Power, and Privilege (3)
SW 2020 - The American Social Welfare System (3)
*May only count a course here if not used to fulfill Diversity course requirements
Criminal Justice Electives (12 Hours)